Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tomb Raider

I was kind of seeing this guy when I was 18 - right out of High School. We met at the parts store, of all places. He worked there. Do you think I got a discount? of course not... Thus, the "kind of".

The last time we went out, was an interesting occurrence.

I got an invite out from him. One of those "Let me take you out to dinner and a movie. You're choice. Whatever you want" type of nights, ya know?!

So instead of picking me up, like he was supposed to, he was "running a bit late, could I just meet him at the theater?" Strike 1 - right?!

We met up at the theater and he was super late. and of course, his "paycheck was short, so did I mind if I payed for my own show?" Strike 2?

So I thought about it for a half a second and told him that we were here at the theater, so if he wanted to see a show, we could see a show, but I wasn't going to pay for it. He'd asked me out and it was supposed to be my pick for everything.

He pulled out his phone and called his dad. yeah... So on my end, I hear this: "Hey Dad. uhm, ya know that money that I owe you? Could I maybe pay you back all but about $15? K, cool. Thanx Dad. Talk to ya later"

Oh great. So now we're going out to the movies on his dad's dime. That's not awkward at all. Right?? Furthermore, $15 isn't going to pay for dinner and a movie. That means - I don't get dinner. blegh... Strike 3.

Standing at the boxoffice and pondering what to see. I'd told him before that I really wanted to see Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. REAL BAD! Needless to say, we didn't see what I wanted. I'm not sure what we saw. Maybe one of the Ocean's movies. I really don't remember. That's how much I hated the night.

After the movie, "well that was fun! We should uh... do it again, sometime. Whats that you say? No dinner? Awesome. Have a great night..."

I wonder what Dave is up to, 10 years later...

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