Monday, September 19, 2011

Me. In a Nutshell.

I went through a small self-discovery process a few months ago. This is what I came up with:

PC or not, here goes - The honest to goodness truth:

I don't like to be the bearer of bad news. I don't like confrontation. I don't like to be mean.
I am kind of a pushover, but I won't be pushed past a certain point - and I will stand up for myself or someone else, if I think I need to and you probably won't like it.
I don't watch the news and I don't follow politics. I don't think life needs any more negativity in it, than it already has and neither politics nor the news has anything positive to report.
I'm sweet. Believe it or not. If you're lucky enough to get past the front, you get to see a "me" who will do anything for you and not ask questions. a "me" who does actually want to snuggle with you while we watch tv. A "me" who wants to cook for you, or surprise you from time to time and who can't wait to...
I'm an airhead. I forget things that should not normally be forgotten. Did I put on underwear today? (can I say that here?) If I don't write things down, don't expect them to get done. Thus, I'm a list-maker. At least until something more fun shows up and then all plans and lists go out the window.
I'm clumsy - I've never met anyone quite as clumsy as myself. It's a wonder that I can walk around in all my heels, without killing myself or maiming someone else.
I'm incredibly dependable. Responsible. Loyal. To the end. Or at least, until you lie to me. Then all bets are off the table.
I can't stand being lied to. I can handle the truth. I'd rather hear the truth, than whatever far fetched story you've come up with.
I don't tend to be a very sympathetic person. In most cases, there's always someone worse off than you. Or me, for that matter.
I love to be outside. I have 2 windows in my office where I sit and long to be outside instead of sitting at a desk, with nothing to do and no reason to be here. Come pick me up on your motorcycle (OR MINE!!) and we'll just blast somewhere. Anywhere. I don't care, as long as its with you and I get to sit on the back, enjoy the view and hold on to you as tight as I can.
I believe strongly in old fashioned gender roles. Eventually I want to be at home with a family, cooking dinner and cleaning the house and driving kids to and from soccer practice in a big ol' SUV. Granted, I can't handle being in the house all day long, so I'll at least work part time. I want to feel like I'm making a contribution (I'd never make a good mooch).
I like to shop and if I'm out shopping and see something that I think would look fantastic on you, or that I think you'd like or get a kick out of: I'll probably get it for you. Just because. Likewise, I appreciate the same, but it's not required.
Also, I do actually like flowers.  My favorite flowers are pansies.
I'm opinionated. If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you. Okay, I'm joking. Kind of.
I'm sarcastic. A co-worker of almost 5 years, told me (on several occasions) that she could never tell when I was being serious, or not. I reminded her that I'm rarely serious and she should always assume that I"m being sarcastic.
I'm fiercely independent. If I ask for help with something, its because I really need it and I can't seem to figure a way out of my predicament on my own. But rest assured, before I've asked for your help, its because I've analyzed the situation from every angle I can think of and I really do need help.
I don't like to inconvenience people, but I love to be the one that people come to when they need help. I'll drop anything for a friend, or a friend of a friend. Just to help out.
I'm pretty outspoken and blunt for the most part. I call it how I see it and if I want to know something, I'm not afraid to ask.
Believe it or not, I don't mind if you go out with the guys. I like to have time away, too. It makes me appreciate you more.
I love to be immature. Making a stoopid face at you from across the room will make me laugh for hours. Particularly if you make one back. I like guys with a goofy sense of humor, especially when its random.
I don't like repetitious noises. Blinkers. Tapping. Sirens. Beeping. I can't stand them.
I get edgy if I'm lacking either sustenance or sleep. Or if I'm stressed out. I don't handle stress very well. I know this about me and so does anyone else who knows me. I try to keep my life as drama and stress free as possible.
I love birthdays! Yours, mine - doesn't matter. I love 'em! Let's Celebrate!
I'm curvy. Chubby. There-I said it. It actually doesn't bother me. I don't have low self esteem, because my jeans are a little larger than hers. Or at all, really.
I like to go to the gym regularly. I also try to eat healthy. I still go hiking, camping and biking with friends.
I can't lie. Not because of moral objections - sometimes I'd like to. I just honestly can't tell a convincing lie. I gave up on trying. A LONG time ago.
People fascinate me.
I speak "movie" fluently. I love to meet other people who can actually carry on a conversation with me in "movie".
By nature, I'm not an affectionate person. I don't like strange people in my space and I get very uncomfortable in large crowds. But once I trust you, I'll not only let you into my bubble, but I'll actually want you there and miss you when you're not.
I'm claustrophobic. I detest small, low to the ground, cars and tight spaces.
Generally, I like bigger guys (but I'm open!). A guy who is actually A GUY. Who makes me feel safe when he wraps his arms around me-especially after I've had a rough day. A guy who can just hold me and make the rest of the world disappear. Even if it's just for a few minutes.
I like guys who work on cars. Grease monkeys are HOT. the chances of me sitting on the porch eating ice cream, while you tune up my truck? 100%. Shirts are optional. On you, at least.
I like to work on cars too. So if you ask, I'll be out there with you, tinkering or just handing you thinga-ma-bobs.
I have a temper. I try to control it. If I get angry, I want to be left alone. At least for a little while. Don't try to cheer me up, until I'm ready. It doesn't take long for me to snap out of it - I don't like to be angry. And I will talk about it. After I've had a chance to process everything - when I can be rational.
I love to sleep, but I don't like to go to bed. I think I'm 5, in that after I go to bed, everyone else stays up to party.
I'm terrified of having children. When I say terrified, I actually mean TERRIFIED of having children. I love being the favorite aunt to all of my nieces and nephews, but the idea of having my own petrifies me. I'm positive I'd get stuck with girls that I wouldn't know what to do with. Or worse - they'd turn out just like me.
I'm almost 30 and I still have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life.
If you take me to a scary movie, I'll watch most of it with my eyes covered and I'm sure to scream at all the right places. But for some reason Haunted Houses or Corn Mazes are soo much fun!
I'm a closet Neil Diamond Fan. Please don't tell. Since I'm making confessions, I also like a few songs from Hannah Montana and I love all of Amanda Bynes' movies. Don't judge.
Fall is my favorite season. Not too hot. Not too cold and the leaves are always gorgeous.
I'll try anything once, I think. Okay, almost anything. Illegal drugs might be out of the question.
I'm not perfect - Nor do I try to be.
I'm a little socially awkward at times; blurting out the wrong thing at the right time, or not saying anything at all, when I should. I've come to love these awkward moments and look forward to any opportunity to create them.
I tend to be the same person, no matter who I'm with. New people get the "shy" side of me, until I know how they'll handle me, but I'm always just... me. This could be because my face shows almost every emotion or thought I'm feeling or thinking. I can't control it, no matter how hard I try. More often than not, I give up on trying and I don't care if other people know.
Some people take pictures of their feet when they travel. I take pictures with bronze statues. Even when I'm not traveling.

Newest development with me: I cry. Since February, I've turned into the biggest boob, EVER. Hallmark commercials, chick flix, nice emails, notes or packages. You name it - I cry over it.

Whew! I'm really glad all that's out there in the open.


  1. this is perfect. I might have to write my own list.

    Love ya, Bekky!

  2. I loved this post Bek :) makes me miss you. alot. but I guess we've been BUSY, STUPID DICK!!!!! ;)

  3. awww I'm glad you guys liked this. Its quite possibly my favorite. I like that people are actually checking out my blog and commenting on it - that makes me super happy. And I miss you guys, toooo!!

  4. but you forgot the most important thing.....sometimes you are Kelly!
