Friday, September 9, 2011

Cake Wrecks

Some of you may, or may not know that I'm addicted to several HILARIOUS websites. Most people can tell when I'm on said sites, because I just bust up laughing for no apparent reason. One of said websites:

I owe a huge thanx (and an equally huge hug) to Nellie Dayton for turning me onto this particular gem. I check it religiously. And since this discovery, I now cruise the clearance cake/bakery section for any scrap of humor I can feast my eyes on. No such luck. :(

But, I would like to take this moment to educate some of you on the proper storage of your cakes and pies. This was actually brought to my attention last weekend. It never occurred to me that I'd been doing it wrong for the last (almost !@) several years.

At first glance, you might think you've got it handled, but let's make sure you've got it right.

I hope this clarifies any confusion that might be going on here. Cakes need to be stored at about a 45deg. angle, pointed towards... well the floor, actually.

The same goes for your, uhh.... *craning neck to read* Ah! Your APPLE LATTICE PIE. Yes, folks. You've got that right. Your pies should ALSO be stored on their sides. 90deg's seems to do the trick.

Glad we're all clear on this.

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