Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beauty School Drop Out

So, for those of you who don't know, I'm in the cosmetology program at SLCC. Different, right?! Yeah, it's still kind of a shock to me, too.

So I'm walking down the hallway with a couple of girls in the program and we stumble across this:
Should we let them out? or leave them in there? THAT is the question.

I dunno about you, but I personally think that this is a trifle creepy.

In the classroom, we have some cabinets. Upon which are several rows of heads:
curly heads. braided heads. heads missing an eyeball (THAT one gives me the heebies). Should I be bothered by these? We use them for cutting hair. Obviously.

Upon discussing this situation with someone recently, they asked me if the hair grew back. *crickets* *blink, blink* "wait, are you serious?? Did you just ask me that??"


  1. Listen...for the record, I did not ask if the hair "grew" back. I asked if it was able to extend out again or anything. You know like one of those old play dough barbies. You cut the hair, but then you put some more dough in and it comes back out. You get the picture. If I invented some kind of hair dispenser for your mannequin heads, I might be rich some day. Just saying.

  2. yes. it WAS late. I fully realize that you were not coherent when you asked if the hair grew back, but I can assure you - you DID ask if the hair grew back. Rachel! I don't know how she beat us here. You drove the WHOLE WAY!! awww the things you say when you're tired... (I think I just won my first case)
