Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

"Wait, listen to me. I'm 13! "
"If you're gonna start lying about your age, I'd go with 27."


Normally, I get super stoked about my birthday and anybody who knows me, knows that the countdown LITERALLY starts in Aug.  

This year has kinda struggled a bit for enthusiasm, though.  I didn't count it down, I didn't really make reasonable plans (turns out that planning to stay in bed all day, sleeping and pretending the inevitable isn't around the corner, doesn't count as "reasonable") and I didn't really celebrate.  I even went so far as to remove my birthday from facebook so that I wouldn't get a million messages about it.

That said, after my emotional crisis the night before (which may or may not have involved relocating every item of furniture in my tiny apartment, at least twice), I had an okay day.  Got up super early to work, hung out at my Aunt's for a bit, went to school, passed a test, was surprised with cake and ice cream from my school buddies, had more ice cream with Adam after school and then went home to crawl into bed.

"To being 30.  I've decided it's gonna be awesome"
Not soo sure about that ^, exactly, but try anything once - right??

Thanx to everyone who texted, called, posted on my wall and/or went out of your way in some way shape or form to bid me well - I appreciated all of it!

Random side note: I LOVE sharing a birthday with Adam.  He rocks!  (We share birthdays, and... hats...)

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