Monday, November 7, 2011

Singin' in the Rain

I think everyone has something that they were teased about, when they were younger - right?  And because you were teased about it several times, you probably became a bit sensitive about it when you got older.  Right again?  

Whats mine, you ask??  Singing to the radio.  Whether it's in the shower, the car, at my desk - I totally do it.  Guilty as charged!!  Here's the thing, though: I only do it if 1. I'm alone, or 2. I'm super comfortable around you.  Chances are good though, that if I'm aware that I'm doing it, I'll give you fair warning that I could not carry a tune in a bucket, if my life depended on it.  And it's entirely true, too!!  I'll be the first to admit it.

Let's take a small visit back to 6th grade in choir, when my teacher suggested that I consider switching out of her class because "maybe singing isn't your thing..."  So what did I do?  I switched out.  And there went the wind from my sails!!

Even now, I still remember my brothers teasing me, in the car, "Hey Bekky, who sings this song?  Oh.  Well maybe you should let them sing it"  Haters... 

Needless to say - I'm kinda self conscious about singing in front of other people.  Even at church - not my thing.

That said, I got a strange compliment on Sat night.  While driving around with my big brother, I was jamming to my favorite band, Thriving Ivory (also, if I take that cd out, I have a pretty rough time getting anything else to play in there.  Apparently they're my truck's favorite band, too!) and he said something like, "don't you know any bands who are looking for a lead singer?"  Of course, my first reaction was to put up the defenses.  You know how that is...  I just knew his next line was something like "so you can let them sing this song"  So I just gave him a sidelong glare/stare thing.  Mostly confused and cautious, like okay, where are we going with this, mixed with a little bit of tread carefully, I'm not in the best mood right now.  

Turns out... he was giving me what seemed to be a genuine compliment.  I felt a bit guilty for overreacting in my head, but I hadn't actually lashed out, so we were safe.  And although, I'm still fully aware of the fact that I genuinely CANNOT carry a tune in a bucket, I did (and still do) appreciate the compliment.

So much so, that two days later I'm still a happy combination of appreciation and astonishment about the whole ordeal.

1 comment:

  1. That is a pretty nice compliment. I totally belt it in the shower or in the car as matter who is around! ha ha! I can't carry a tune either, but I figure the haters are gonna hate no matter what, so I might as well enjoy myself.
