Tuesday, October 18, 2011



So I happened to stumble upon this particular item just now*  and thought that I actually needed to share this with EVERYONE. This is about as close to AMAZING as anything I have ever seen before.


Please believe: if I'm doin' my business, you can rest assured that I really don't want any company around while I"m doing it. Who in their right mind would think this is a good idea?! Maybe because of the "modest privacy wall in between" we can forget that your facing someone, practically staring them in the face, while you're tryin to do your thing. HECK! That person is close enough to you that you could make out with them while pinching one off.

And I'm just talking about having one in your home. Did you notice on the add that the minimum purchase is 12?! 12!! That's 24 toilets right next to each other!! Who has 12 bathrooms in their house, where 24 people will need to be going at precisely the same time? The only solution I can fathom in my (obviously) pea-sized brain, is that this large of a purchase would be for a public facility. Most likely one with a lot of traffic. Which brings me to another question: Who wants to be THAT close to a perfect stranger while going to the bathroom?? I realize there's the privacy wall and everything, but still... Doesn't it break some unspoken etiquette rule to reach over the privacy wall to shake someone's hand and introduce yourself while you're going to the bathroom?! "nice day, eh Stan? You did say your name was Stan, right? What business did you say you're in?"

Seriously?! Who thinks of these things!? Am I the only one who gets "stage fright"?!?! If someone so much as knocks on the door while I'm in there, all pipes immediately shut down. I honestly have to sit there for a minute after the immediate danger is gone before things are flowing normally again.

And did we read the caption on it? "It brings couples closer together..." Really?! Is THIS what brings couples closer together? I guess I was raised old school where we build relationships by spending quality time together NOT on the toilet. Ya know the whole, "oh we have a problem, lets work it out" or, "lets go build some memories" Instead, we sit on the toilet together and all of a sudden we're "saving rocky marriages" Not to mention, the planet...

I don't know about you guys, but I have a difficult time sitting on a toilet long enough to do my thing. But now you want to add a 7" LCD television to keep me there longer?! REALLY?? I get Ring-Around-The-Butt-Cheeks just from sitting there long enough to pee. Now you wanna keep me there long enough to what...?? watch a movie?!

I'm told that there are communal toilets in some parts of the world. I think I've even seen pictures of some such facilities. But honestly... I'll keep my old fashioned, private bathroom to myself, if you don't mind. I like my privacy.

Just so ya'll know that I'm not the only one who feels this way: apparently this guys wife ALSO felt this way. 'Cuz she left his sorry trash!!


So much for Taco Tuesdays, eh?!

* I originally wrote this on 12/20/2008 and posted it as a "note" on my facebook.  Since I deactivated my facebook for a while, I thought it would be kind of fun to repost it on my blog.


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