Thursday, October 13, 2011

Taco Bell

I think this is one of those fantastic stories that is best told in person...

But, I'll do my best to do it justice in print.

I had just moved to Utah (for the second time) and I think Noah (my nephew) was probably about 3.  Everyone else had come down with some kind of nasty bug and Randy called me to come take care of Noah for them.  He was driving everyone crazy.  So I drove up to Sunset to get him, but I had some things that I had to take care of that day down in Provo, so I just took him back down with me.

I needed groceries.  In kind of a bad way.  So Noah and I went to Macey's.  I was holding a basket and something else in my hands and Noah wanted to hold my hand while we shopped.  (Have you ever heard a 3 year old say phalanges?  Please believe, its adorable!)  Since they were full, I let him hold onto my front pocket as we walked through the store and he was happy as a clam about that.

I had to stop in to work to do a couple of things, and while we were there, we made sure to feed the ducks for a minute.  By the time we were finished, Noah was pretty hungry, so I let him pick the restaurant.  Taco Bell.  I'm not a fan.  It's been a loooong time since I was able to eat at taco bell.  But we went anyway.  One kids quesadilla, comin up!

We ordered.  Got the quesadilla and large drink, to stay, and headed over to a table.  Nobody else in the joint - where to sit, where to sit...??  Tough choice... Behind me, I hear "phalanges, phalanges"  That's code for "I wanna hold your hand!"  With both of my hands otherwise occupied, it was nearly impossible to hold his little hand, too.  So I told him we were super close to the table and he could go sit down.

Instead... he decides to hold onto my pocket.  My back pocket.

*freeze frame*

Ya know how sometimes, after you've lost a couple of pounds and your pants don't fit quite so well as they used to?  But then you dry them and they suddenly fit perfect?  For about 10 whole minutes and then they're super big again...

Okay.  Unfreeze.

So Noah is holding onto my back pocket and what happens?  Naturally, he would trip over my foot.  and naturally he would not let go of my pocket when he tripped...  So naturally, he would take my currently too large jeans down with him.  Yeah - that totally happened.

So there I am.  In Taco Bell, holding a tray of quesadilla in one hand and a drink cup in the other, squatting next to a booth, with child on the floor at my feet and (you guessed it!!) pants down around my knees.  Awkward...

So I slid the tray onto the nearest booth, put my cup up there next to it, pulled my pants up and picked up the nephew.  Turns out he was fine.  Needless to say, we took our order to go...

And I've never been back.


  1. I am literally laughing out loud right now. Does that make me a bad friend? You really do have the best stories, Bek.

  2. hahahaha no, I don't think so. It's on here, because it's funny. Laugh away!
