Monday, September 12, 2011

First Date...??

a long time ago, I went out with a guy. Hard to believe, right?? He asked me out for the same night as my company Christmas party. (Christmas time of '04, probably) Since I had a plus one, I invited him along, instead. Okay, cool. Our first date at one of my company parties? with real estate agents involved? crazy... but do-able.

He bailed. Day of. Didn't feel so hot. Well okay, no big deal - we can do it another time.
He called back last minute and wanted to go anyway. Needless to say, we were late. and he was sick.

Dinner was good. Conversation with co-workers was great as always. Afterwards, the dancing and fun began. Who doesn't love a party with drunken real estate agents??

So Mary, (who is literally an intuitive GENIOUS, and tried to break the ice a bit) gestured to us and asked, "so is this your first date?"
to which he looked at her blank faced and replied, "no, I've had other dates"


Baaaaahahahahahaa I thought we were all going to die laughing!! Mary, who is sooo fantastic and talented with people, took control of the situation and I'm sure made him feel like his reply was totally normal.

He whined that he didn't feel well. Didn't want to dance. So we left.

And missed the best part of the night, too!! :(

I took him to his house and planned on dropping of sickey, to go home. He had other plans. A movie of all things. So he picked out a movie and I sat down to watch... wait, are you kidding me?? You're sick and whiney and you want to watch LORD OF THE RINGS?? really?? I hadn't seen it, but I knew it was like 15hrs long. And that's just the 1st one!! blegh...

So I sat there graciously. He offered to share his blanket. The sick guy wanted to snuggle. "oh no thanx, I'm fine. You go ahead."

He was snoring within 15 minutes. So I grabbed my purse, shoes, jacket and left. Didn't even say g'bye.


  1. You should write a dating column. It should be about awkward dates. Your could make anyone else feel normal. Then there should be a pic of the cool shoes you wore on the date. Because, you know, your shoes are fabulous!!:)
