Sunday, February 12, 2012

All We Need Is Love

Just after posting my most recent post, I stumbled upon this on a friend's blog. Not only do I agree with it whole-heartedly, but I also think Machelle is AMAZING for blogging it.

Here's the original link:

Humanity is a funny thing. People in general are selfish. No one wants to share, and it seems like only a few know the true meaning of unconditional love. Why can’t we all work together rather than against each other, help the poor get back on their feet, and perform acts of service for everyone else. It is possible that in turn, it will humble us, and guide both parties to learn valuable individual lessons that will eventually better us as a people. We shouldn’t do nice things for others in hopes to better ourselves by putting ourselves in the mindset of “I need blessings and to be uplifted, better do some service for someone.” Shouldn’t we all just do nice and good things for the simple fact of “It’s just the right thing to do”? We all get so caught up in the who’s who and what’s what that we completely miss the most important thing in life, which is love. Love comes in many forms. Smiling at a stranger, holding the door open, hugging, showing genuinity, using kind tones in our voice when speaking, patience, the act of trying to understand someone else’s opinion (not everyone needs to completely agree, but at least not push it to the side just because it is ‘different’) intimacy, making parental sacrifices for children, humanitarian work etc. Some of us are fortunate enough to feel love from our parents, and siblings. Some of us are social butterflies and have many friends who you love and admire and vice versa. Some of us are fortunate enough to “fall in love” with a significant other whom we love and cherish dearly, and vice versa. Even though these are all different scenerios, they all come full circle when in comes to that feeling we feel inside when we are around those people. Our souls connect, we form a bond. True love is the aknowledgement of another, and the hopes that they are happy and well, and would love to do anything for that person so that they may achieve their most happy state. It is about losing ourselves for the betterment of another. Seems so simple doesn’t it?
Many people feel more entitled to something than everyone else, and demand only the best. They approach life with the mentality of “Ok world, what can you offer ME?” instead of “Alright world, I’m going to give it my best shot, how can I contribute, what is my place here?” We are all part of a machine on this earth, and each of us is a piece of that machine. No one person is more important or more valuable than another. We are ALL needed in order to make this machine run properly. The only way this will be successful, is if we all do our part. Together. And HELP each other along the way. Love. Forgiveness. Charity.
It is sad that in today’s world, we have manipulated the system so much, that it seems normal and ok to be selfish. To carry on that me me me attitude. Most of the young people are growing up in a digital world where there is becoming less and less of that need to connect souls, everyone just lives for themselves. Whether this is eventually going to help or hinder society, we need to be careful not to lose touch with the feelings and sacredness of our souls inside these mortal minds of ours. Of course it is our duty to do things in life to have the means to live, such as getting a job, providing for a family etc. It is all in the WAY and ATTITUDE that these tasks may be performed, as to have them be successful for the persons involved, as well as the community as a whole. It is only successful if everyone wins. We all need to take a step back, look at the big picture once in a while, and release ourselves from the hustle and bustle of being perfect in everyone else’s eyes. We need to focus on being our best selves, and not necessarily the best. Boom.
I have fortunately yet unfortunately had my eyes opened to the rawness that is, humanity & society. It’s a dog eat dog world out there, and many people are ignorant to the ugly plague of hate that is sweeping the globe. We need to wake up, and realize that we are all in this together. We need to realize what the definition of TRUE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE really means. Then practice it. No one is perfect, no one WILL be perfect. But don’t you love to watch people succeed? Lets all help each other get as close to our perfect selves as possible. :)

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